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Top 5 NFT podcasts

NFT, NFT, NFT, these are three letters that sound more and more frequently in our ears. First in the trade press and now in the mainstream press, which is all the more important. Let it be The Figaro, echo or world in France, or even Forbes and The Time abroad, this sector has experienced an exceptional media and economic craze last year. The acronym NFT stands for the English term Non-Fungible token or non-fungible token in French. Newspaper 20 Minutes has even launched a dedicated initiative on this theme by launching 20Mint a few weeks ago. This initiative aims to test the new cultural codes of the Web3, an ecosystem in which cryptos, NFTs and metaverse come together to form a new era that promises to bring about the 3.0 version of the Web.

Hispanic young man with headphones and laptop talking on mic, online radio.

In this exciting context, communication, information and learning materials are multiplying. Among them, podcasts are among the most popular choices. An easy-to-access format, which we consume during a public transport trip, in our car, during a sports session or even as a lullaby often necessary for modern human beings to sleep. So, which NFT podcasts to listen to to learn more about these new uses of the underlying blockchain technology? Who should I listen to to unravel the true and false of this promising and sulphurous ecosystem? Who are we to help us form a true opinion on this new market?

1 — NFT Morning, John Karp Rémy Peretz


This is the podcast NFT which was one of the first in France to democratize the subject and to talk about it as a subject in its own right. Launched in March 2021, the podcast has more than 250 episodes to date. Suffice to say that John Karp and Rémy Peretz have not been idle to propose a global vision of this growing market. Among the topics covered are of course the major NFT collections: Bored Ape Yacht Club, Meebits, World of Women, etc., with most often distinguished guests who have participated directly or indirectly in the success of these collections. In addition, the NFT Morning podcast allows you to learn more about the exchange platforms in the sector. From Opensea to the NFT platforms of Tezos, Binance and Solana, you will find your happiness. Finally, this podcast is also the way to listen to the NFT artists themselves, and among them Pascal Boyart, a true pioneer of cryptonative and NFT art!

2 — NFT Business, Claudia Lomma and Benjamin Boutin-Spark

It’s all in the name of this podcast which sets out to answer the questions posed by companies and entrepreneurs who wish to explore the business development potential enabled by NFTs and more broadly the Web 3.0 ecosystem. Hosted by Claudia Lomma and Benjamin Boutin Spark, both trainers and speakers on the new challenges of Web3, this podcast finds the right balance by involving experts in the field while addressing the topics in a simple way so that the message is clear for both novices and the most experienced. Launched at the beginning of 2022, NFT Business has already brought together many Web3 artisans, such as Thibault Launey, the CEO of Exclusible; Owen Simonin, better known as the French Hasher, influencer and crypto entrepreneur; Matthieu Quiniou, on the legal issues of NFTs; or Karen Jouve, CEO of Doors3 about Web3.0 applied to the world of sports.

3 – WAGMI Podcast, Carole Stromboni and Thomas Germond

In third place we find a podcast to follow the news of NFTs every week with Carole Stromboni, author and speaker who has passed through HEC, and Thomas Germond, entrepreneur founder of Procast and Thr333. Launched in March 2022, the podcast is entitled WAGMI Podcast for « We all gonna make it ” (“we will all get there”, in French). The episodes allow us to go back to the basics of NFTs before moving on to the weekly highlights of the NFT planet. From the Azuki, BAYC and Coolcats collections to the NFT platforms Coinbase, Tezos and others, this is an opportunity not to miss anything that is happening within the NFT ecosystem.

4 — The art of the NFT, Benjamin Boutin-Spark and Lucie-Éléonore Riveron

In fourth place, we find Benjamin Boutin-Spark, a recognized NFT trainer and artist who hosts the aptly named podcast l’Art of the NFT. He is alongside Lucie-Eléonore Riveron, CEO of Fauve Paris, the famous Parisian auction house that also made headlines by becoming the co-founder and spokesperson of NFT Factory a few weeks ago, an initiative in which 51 Web3 pioneers gather in a new innovation place in the heart of the capital. Started in July 2021, this podcast addresses the key elements of the NFT collections: the importance of community and the cultural revolution. It involves artists who use NFTs and new digital media to invent this new artistic movement that is being born before our eyes.

5 – The Martingale and the Do it yourself Generation, Matthieu Stefani

In fifth position in this ranking of NFT podcasts, we find two general podcasts entitled Generation Do It Yourself (GDIY) and the Martingale, which do not only talk about NFT, but, more generally, about investment and entrepreneurship. At the head of these two well-known podcasts, we find Matthieu Stefani who has made a name for himself for more than ten years now in the digital world. He is the head of the Cosa Vostra innovation agency, which supports companies in their digital strategies. He also became a serial entrepreneur has become known to the greatest number with these inspiring podcasts that welcome the best in their fields. It is in this context that he has notably directed several episodes with key players in the crypto world who have returned with him on their adventure in the Web3. He has notably produced exciting podcasts with Eric Larchevêque, one of the co-founders of the French unicorn Ledger, Jean-Michel Pailhon on the issue of art NFTs, Pierre Morizot on cryptos and taxation or Eric Raffin of the crypto Cardashift project!

Conclusion: very rich podcasts to appropriate the NFTs!

We hope that this list (not exhaustive!) will be useful for you to discover more about NFTs. From their news to the business and artistic potential they are opening up, it is a real new world and new markets that are emerging thanks to the digital innovations we are experiencing. We therefore advise you to take a look at these different podcasts during your morning jog for the most athletic of us, during your long work evenings for those who like to stay up late, or to accompany you in your weekend tidying and cleaning session. In short, wherever you want because in the end, that’s the whole advantage of this audio support that can be listened to almost everywhere! Finally, we remind you that this list is not exhaustive and that we even encourage you to share your favorite podcasts on crypto, NFT and metaverse topics with us!

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Guillaume Moret Bailly avatar
Guillaume Moret Bailly

Passionate about Blockchain technologies and cryptocurrencies for several years, I firmly believe in the mass adoption that is coming. Always on the lookout for the latest trends in the cryptocurrency market, I take pleasure in sharing with you all its secrets!

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