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Binance, indisputable market leader?

All exchanges are looking to win the first place in the cryptocurrency market. We have witnessed a real battle of supremacy between them since the beginning of the year 2022. According to rumors, some exchanges would not even hesitate to sabotage their competitors to bring them down. That said, SimilarWeb traffic data recently revealed the winner of the supremacy battle.

crypto, binance

Binance remains the largest exchange!

Binance continues to dominate the cryptocurrency market by maintaining its place as the largest exchange in the world. According to the data of SimilarWeb, the famous platform has recorded 300 million visits in the last 90 days. It should be noted that most of the active users on the exchange reside in Turkey. Other countries where consumers have shown great interest in Binance are: Philippines, Russia, Argentina and Brazil. Thus, the exchange has been used more in non-English-speaking nations.

The second most visited exchange in the world is Coinbase. It has recorded 121 million visits in the last 90 days. But, unlike Binance, Coinbase has attracted more interest from users resident in Western countries, especially in the United States. Note that the ByBit, FT US and Kucoin platforms are in the top 5 of the largest exchanges.

In addition, SimilarWeb data reveals that users prefer the OpenSea platform when it comes to NFT. Indeed, this site has recorded 158 million visits in the last 90 days. This demonstrates that consumers prefer to check the value of NFTs on a specialized platform.

Binance remains the leader in cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. It is followed by Coinbase, ByBit, FT US and Kucoin. But, even if the classic exchanges have an NFT marketplace, users prefer to use OpenSea to interact with NFTs.

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Luke Jose Adjinacou

Far from having cooled my ardor, an unsuccessful investment in 2017 on a cryptocurrency only increased my enthusiasm. I therefore resolved to study and understand the blockchain and its many uses and to relay information related to this ecosystem with my pen.

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